Tuesday, May 12, 2020

What to Wear on Your First Day of Work - Cubicle Chic

What to Wear on Your First Day of Work - Cubicle Chic What to Wear on Your First Day of Work Corporate Life, Corporate Style, How To Wear, Work Outfit June 26, 2017 7 CommentsDisclaimer: I have partnered with BetaBrand to show you a few different office friendly workwear pieces that I was given. I have been a long time fan of BetaBrand (for about 2 years) and I am incredibly excited to work with them! Use my code JESSICA15 to get 15% off your order!!What I write about on Cubicle Chic is very often a direct reflection of what’s going on in my life. On that note, I am happy to report that, after 4 months of funemployment and blogging full time, I’m going back to working full time this week! As I prepare for my first day of work on Monday the 23rd, I have been thinking about all the different aspects of how to make the best impressions on the first day.The first day of work is often nerve wracking because it has a lot of unpredictable elements.You don’t always know if the day is going to be filled with meetings, or cranking out trainings and signing agreement alone at you r desk. You don’t know if you’re going to have a lot of tasks already or have a lot of time to soak up more knowledge.One element you can control on the first day of work, however, is the way you dress.Remember what you wore to your interview? Wear something similar on your first day of work. To your employer, the first day is a bit of a “moment of truth”. They get to learn more about you, know what you’re like being in the new office, and watch how you adapt to the new office environment. Wear something that people would expect you to wear, i.e. what you wore to your interview. It puts your employer at ease, that makes them feel like you’re the same person that they decided to hire.Be a team player and blend in on your first day.In most corporate office settings, being a team player is crucial trait. On your first day, hopefully you’ve taken some time to research the proper dress code. Be more like others,blend in with what you wear, and play up the team player image. When in doubt, pick neutrals over colors, formal over casual, and structured fitted over loose.Go easy on accessories and jewelries. Remember that bib necklaces are 2012 (thanks for making this declaration, Angie!), and dainty/understated jewelries are not only more current now, but perfect for your first day ensemble.P.S. Gramceri is my favorite dainty jewelry designer and they are VERY affordable (under $50 most of the time) and VERY well made. I’ve worn a lot of pieces from them for over a year now and the colors do not fade!Get ready for your badge/ID photo.More often than not, your company badge photo will be taken on the first day of your job. Wear something that you’d like to have showing in your company ID. Some rules of thumb: wear low neckline (appropriately so, obvi), clean up your hair, wear minimal jewelries (i.e. either just earrings or just necklace, not both), wear the MLBB kind of lipstick, and remember to smile!Wear your “comfort item”.This is a personal mantra of mine. Perhaps it’s a less superstitious version of carrying a lucky charm. It works toward any part of your outfit â€" shoes, blazer, pants, or how to wear your hair. For your first day of work, wear something you always wear. Wear something that makes you feel like yourself (unless you’re talking about wearing PJ….then don’t be yourself LOL). For me, this gray structured blazer  (I take a size small), chic and breathable, is my go-to piece of workwear. If you’re unsure of what to wear (heels or flats, beige or black, dress or pants), default to your comfort level.As you are reading this, I am going to be kick-starting my first day of the new position. I, for one, will be applying these tips on how to dress for my first day of work. I hope they’re useful for you too! They say dress for the job you want and not the one you have. But I say dress for the job you got for your first day of a new role, and leave the aspiration and future goals for when you have a str ong foothold later!  All photography by Natalie Alverado @ Stylenfuse

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