Friday, May 8, 2020

2015 Recruiting Trends To Watch

2015 Recruiting Trends To Watch If you are looking for a job this year or plan to, here are some important trends you need to watch for in 2015. Dont get stuck using the same tactics to find a job you used five years ago because the rules of job search are changing.   Jobvite released their 2015 Recruiter Nation Study this month  and these are some  key points I think job seekers should pay attention to. FYI: 1,404 recruiting and human resources professionals spanning several industries, consisted of both Jobvite customers and non-customers, completed this years survey. Key Stats 92% of companies report using social media as part of the recruiting process. 78% report their best candidates came from referrals Jobvite has run this survey for eight years. I have been following it for five years. Some of the questions asked in the survey have changed over the years, but the important ones are the same. Lets look at the changes from 2010 to 2015 in how  candidates are recruited. Companies ARE Using Social Networks To Recruit In 2015, 92% use social media to recruit. In 2010, only 73% of companies used social media.  Which networks are they using? 2015 Jobvite use of social media in recruiting process Which networks are they using? The top three havent changed. But please notice the new networks being used to source and vet talent. If you arent familiar with any of these, investigate how you could use them to get discovered. If you are using them, be sure youre sharing Rated G updates. Then Now LinkedIn 78% 87% Facebook 55% 55% Twitter 45% 47% Blog 19% YouTube 14% 21% MySpace 5% Glassdoor 38% Google+ 14% Instagram 13% Snap Chat 3% What Are Companies Looking For On Social Media? How long youve been in your job matters most to recruiters! But recruiters are also looking at how long youve been with your company, mutual connections, professional commitment and examples of work. You know what doesnt matter so much? Cover letters and your GPA! (Really, they said this!) To see what else is important to employers read this:  Social Recruiting Is A Good Thing, If Your Visible Online In 2015, only 4% of recruiters DON’T use social media in the recruiting process. Compared to this: (I realize this isnt an apple to apple comparison, but do you notice a change in how recruiters value social media?) Want to become more active on LinkedIn, or any social network for that matter? You need to be active.  10 LinkedIn Status Updates for Job Seekers. Referrals Still Rule Every study cites  referrals as the number one, best source of hiring. This has been true for a long time. This years study reports that 78% of recruiters found their best hires through referrals, 56% through  social and professional networks, and 55% through  intern-to-hire programs. In 2010, the best hires came from referrals and next through internal transfers. Since the question was evaluated differently, the comparison isnt a direct match, but the take-away is the same. If you want to see an example of how you can get referred by someone you dont know, read  If You Aren’t Willing to Do This, Then Don’t Bother Applying. Other Interesting Facts To Note 41% of companies report the average time to hire is 31-60 days. 30% of employees have tenure of 1-3 years. Lasting Impressions That Matter During your interview and every encounter with anyone who works for the company, these are the things that matter. Are you paying enough attention to your enthusiasm, conversation skills, punctuality, appearance and handshake? Perhaps you should! Didnt get the job? Here are 41 things you should evaluate. All images via Jobvite

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