Monday, May 18, 2020

The 10 Best LinkedIn Headlines For Job Seekers (Examples) - Career Sidekick

The 10 Best LinkedIn Headlines For Job Seekers (Examples) - Career Sidekick The 10 Best LinkedIn Headlines For Job Seekers (Examples) LinkedIn / Getting noticed (and getting interviews) on LinkedIn starts with your headline.Its the FIRST thing people see after your nameWhen you comment on a post When you appear in search results (and recruiters are searching LinkedIn CONSTANTLY) Or when a hiring manager checks out your profile before interviewing you. And a lot of hiring managers view your profile even if you didnt apply via LinkedIn!So you really need to make a good impression.In this article, well look at examples of the best LinkedIn headlines for job seekers, and how to write your own.The Best LinkedIn Headlines for Job SeekersThe best LinkedIn headlines for your job hunt have a few things in common. They will:Show your skills and expertise (what do you do?)Communicate the value you bring to a new employer (why should they care?)Include at least one keyword/phrase for the type of job you want(Optional) Show something unique to make your LinkedIn profile stand out Maybe its a specific accom plishment. Or an award. Maybe its a passion or a hobby. Youll see some examples of this coming up.Lets jump into examples of LinkedIn headlines for job seekers now, with 10 formulas you can use to write your own headline and get more interviewsHeadline Formula 1:Role| Specific AchievementHeadline Examples: B2B Inside Sales Rep | $2.4MM generated in 2018Digital Ads Manager | 5 Years Experience Managing 7-figure ad budgetsThis is a great LinkedIn headline for job seekers who have past results they can quantify.And dont write this off just because youre not in sales!Theres usually a way to quantify your work in ANY role if you take the time to think about it.For example if youre a writer, how many pieces of content did you create?If youre in tech support, how many users did you help per week? Or how many requests did you solve?Nothing beats specific results/proof when it comes to convincing a new employer youd succeed in their job, which is why this is one of the best LinkedIn headline s for job seekers.Headline Formula 2:Role | Years of Experience in Industry | Fun FactExamples:Human Resources Manager | 10+ Years of People Experience | Disneyland Annual PassholderSenior Manufacturing Engineer | 6+ Years in GMP Manufacturing | Cat fanaticThis LinkedIn headline formula is a great way to include multiple keywords for the type of job youre targeting (so you can get found in LinkedIn searches), while showing some personality, too.This is one of the best LinkedIn headlines for job seekers with at least a couple of years of experience.Credit for this formula goes to Kyle Elliot of caffeinatedkyle.comHeadline Formula 3:Role | Industry/Expertise | Unique ValueLinkedIn Headline Examples: Director of HR at Oracle | Software Technology | Certified HR TrainerRD Scientist at Pfizer | Oncology Research | Science BloggerCredit for this formula goes to Madeline Mann.She also created a great YouTube video walking you through this same formula that you can watch here:This is simila r to LinkedIn headline formula #2, above, but with one key difference:The middle section is focused on your industry, rather than the number of years of experience.So this may be a better option for job seekers with less experience, but experience from the same industry that theyre applying for jobs in now.LinkedIn Headline 4:Role| Helping ___ (type of company) do ___ (result)Example: Customer Support Representative | Helping software start-ups manage and grow their social media to drive more salesHeres an even simpler formula following this same general idea.I recommend this variation for freelancers, consultants, and coaches:LinkedIn Headline 5:I help ___ (type of company) do ___ (result)Example for Freelancers: I help coaches and consultants generate an additional $10,000-20,000 per month via video adsCareer Coach Sarah Johnston uses a variation of this headline herself on her LinkedIn profile.I asked her if she had a formula and this is what she gave meLinkedIn Headline 6:Descri ption of what you do or how you meet someone’s pain point | Keyword 1 | Keyword 2 | Keyword 3Example Headline:I help manufacturers become more efficient through process engineering | GMP-Certified | Project Manager | CQEThe keywords should be what a recruiter or hiring manager would search for if they were looking for someone with your skills or background.Sarah also added this tip: I also use free online keyword analytic tools to pick the best keywords. For example, for a while I was saying “job search strategist”, but after doing a keyword search found that more people search for “career coach”. Since shifting my language, I’ve seen about a 30-40% increase in LinkedIn search appearances.Thats an important tip to follow no matter which of these LinkedIn headlines you end up using for your job search.LinkedIn Headline 7:Role specializing in _____, _____ and _____.Example:Content Marketing Strategist specializing in press releases, blog content, and social mediaThis is a relatively simple formula that puts your job title or main keyword at the very front of your profile so it gets noticed immediately.This will get you more clicks from recruiters and hiring managers looking for the skill set you highlight (in the example above, Content Marketing).Then, theres an opportunity to include more keywords and show what youre BEST at throughout the rest of the headline.Now youre more likely to get found and clicked in searches for those keywords.I Dont Recommend Saying, Actively Seeking in Your LinkedIn HeadlineYou may have noticed that NONE of the LinkedIn headline examples so far have said, actively looking for opportunities.Heres why I dont think its a good idea to put this as a job seeker on LinkedIn.First this communicates absolutely nothing, other than the fact youre out of work and need a job.Second the most in-demand, highly-skilled job candidates never put this. They have multiple opportunities, recruiters chasing them, etc.And so they conduct a q uiet, undercover job search.I know you may not be flooded with interviews and job offers yet, but you still want to act like it. You want to position yourself as an in-demand job seeker!And shouting to the entire world that youre actively seeking a job is the OPPOSITE of doing this. If you do insist on doing this, at least add some keywords and indicate the exact type of role youre looking for. Heres an exampleLinkedIn Headline Formulas 8 9: (If you insist on saying Actively Seeking)Role seeking a ___ opportunityORRole looking for opportunities in ___ (specific area)Examples:Certified Public Accountant (CPA) seeking a management opportunityFinancial analyst looking for opportunities in the private sectorThat way, your headline at least communicates something about your expertise and what type of job youre a fit for.The Best LinkedIn Headline for Entry Level Job Seekers and Recent GradsIf youre looking for a job as a fresh graduate with no industry experience, Id recommend using a v ariation of Formula 5 aboveLinkedIn Headline #10 (For Recent Grads with NO Experience):Recent ___ graduate with a focus in ___, ___ and ___.Example Headline for a Recent Graduate:Recent Finance graduate with a focus in financial analysis, reporting, and auditingHowever, if youre a recent graduate who has any relevant work experience, even an internship or part-time work, Id recommend highlighting that with any of the LinkedIn headline formulas that we looked at previously.Thats REAL experience that employers will care about and value. So you can use any headline weve previously looked at.FYI- if you just graduated and arent sure what career path to choose, I just wrote an article with the 3 best jobs for recent graduates.How to Choose the Right Keywords For Your LinkedIn HeadlineIf youre job hunting, you want to get found by recruiters.So try to brainstorm industry-specific keywords that can go into your LinkedIn headline, no matter what formula/example youre using above.Avoid gener ic phrases like, Experienced Leader and think about hard-skills and specific knowledge useful in the type of jobs youre seeking.This can be technical terms or specific areas of work within your industry.Examples:HTMLContent MarketingGMP ManufacturingAudit ComplianceSales ProspectingEmployee OnboardingPhone Customer ServiceHR Compensation and BenefitsEtc.This is important for every job seeker, but especially those who are changing careers or industries.Make sure you include keywords that employers are looking for in your NEXT ideal job.One More Tip Your LinkedIn Headline For Job Searching Doesnt Need to Include Your Last Job TitleYou may have noticed in a lot of the headline formulas/templates above, theres a place to include your role or main area of work/expertise.However, theres no rule that this needs to be your exact job title.You can put the title of the jobs youre targeting, for example.Or if you have an unusual title like, Client Happiness Manager, you can change it to somet hing more common/recognizable. (Which will also put a more relevant keyword in your LinkedIn headline).So just keep this in mind as you use the templates above to write your own LinkedIn headline for job searching.Think more about what keywords/titles your future employer will want to see, rather than what your past employer decided to name your previous role.What To Do Next: Write Your Own LinkedIn Headline for Job HuntingDont go turn on the TV or YouTube and forget all this. Put this info to use!Go grab a piece of paper or open a blank document on your computer, and try to plug your information into some of the LinkedIn headline examples above.Come up with 2-3 headlines that sound good to you and then come back a day later and see which one stands out to you (stepping away for a day after writing something is a good way to come back with a clear perspective!)Then go update your LinkedIn profile!If you follow the LinkedIn headline tips above, youll have a headline that stands out i n your job search and gets you more interviews.And if you want help updating the rest of your LinkedIn, heres everything I recommend putting on your LinkedIn profile as a job seeker.

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